How To Find out Windows Startup Programs in PowerShell


Startup programs in Windows are the programs that start automatically during the startup. There are ways to find them out in Windows, one of which is using PowerShell.

Fire up the PowerShell console, copy and paste the following cmdlet and run it.

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_StartupCommand |
  Select-Object -Property Command, Description, User, Location |

PowerShell find out startup programs - How To Find out Windows Startup Programs in PowerShell

Because the result is piped through to a GridView cmdlet, here is what comes up on my computer. The number of auto-start programs on your computer could be much longer than this.

PowerShell find out startup programs out to gridview 600x173 - How To Find out Windows Startup Programs in PowerShell

Alternatively, if you are using Windows 10, you can easily find out the programs that auto-starts in Startup tab in Task Manager.

Task Manager Startup tab - How To Find out Windows Startup Programs in PowerShell

What’s even better is that you can disable/enable any programs listed in Startup.

Task Manager Startup disable program - How To Find out Windows Startup Programs in PowerShell

But if you want to completely remove the programs out of the Startup list, you will need a tool like Autoruns for Windows from Sysinternals.

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