Input – A Free Fonts for Coders on Windows


Input is a flexible system of fonts designed specifically for coders and developers. Designed by David Jonathan Ross, it offers both monospaced and proportional fonts with a large range of widths, weights, and styles for rich code formatting.

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If you like what you see, go ahead to the download page, and click Download Input for private use button. Obviously, if you are planning on using it for work, you should consider the purchasing options which are also reasonable and in a not-breaking-your-bank way.

Once downloaded and extracted, it’s time to install it on your Windows system. There are many ways you can use to install fonts on a Windows computer. But since there are so many font files included in the package, here is an easy way to install them all at once.

Navigate to the Input_Fonts folder, type *.ttf in the search box and hit Enter. All the font files will show up at once. Press Ctrl+A to select them all, right-click on any of them and choose Install.

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Windows will start the process to install all selected fonts one by one. It may take a little moment to finish all 168 font files.

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The whole package includes three Input fonts, Input Sans, Input Serif and Input Mono. You can take a peek here if you like. Since it’s a system-wide font, it’s available on any text editor program you want to use, including the famous built-in Notepad.

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If you are like me using Visual Studio Code as the default text editor on Windows, you can go to File > Preferences > Settings > Text Editor > Font, and change the default Font Family to either ‘Input Sans’, ‘Input Serif’, or ‘Input Mono’.

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