A Quick Way to Open Computer Management On a Remote Computer


I do open Computer Management console on a remote computer quite often and wish I knew this simple trick years ago, which would have saved me tons of time.

Here is what I normally do:

Right-click the Start menu and choose Computer Management. Then go to Action and click Connect to another computer…, type in the computer name and connect.

image - A Quick Way to Open Computer Management On a Remote Computer

Quite tedious and time-consuming.

Now here is a much faster way:

Create a new file called mg.cmd with the following one-liner and save it in your default %windir% folder.

start compmgmt.msc /computer=%1

Now, whenever you need to open Computer Management console on a remote computer, simply press Win+R and type

mg computername

That’s much easier and a slick way to open a MMC console connected to a remote computer.

Tip my hat to r/Jaybone512 for sharing the tip on this Reddit post that also shows a lot of decent batch scripts.

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