Replacing Netsh with These PowerShell Cmdlets


Netsh is a command-line and scripting utility in Windows for network components. It’s a useful tool for network administrators to configure and monitor Windows systems through a command prompt console. But it’s ok if you are not familiar with this command because now you can switch your focus to PowerShell to use it to accomplish many things that Netsh does in the past.

And here are a few samples how we can use PowerShell to execute them that previously required to use Netsh.

List network adapters

The cmdlets you need is


powershell getadapter - Replacing Netsh with These PowerShell Cmdlets

It comes with a switch -IncludeHidden that shows hidden adapters that you won’t be able to see from a graphic interface.

Disable and enable network adapters

With these 2 cmdlets, you don’t have to go through GUI to disable and enable network adapters. Should be handy, right?

To disable: Disable-NetAdapter -name "name of the adapter"

To enable: Enable-NetAdapter -name "name of the adapter"

You can get the name of the adapter from the first cmdlet Get-NetAdapter.

Show TCP/IP information

It’s much like ipconfig, a command we are all very familiar with.


powershell getipconfiguration - Replacing Netsh with These PowerShell Cmdlets

With the switch -Detailed, you can see a much detailed information, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, gateway address and its status, DNS server addresses, etc.

Set a new static IP address

The following cmdlets are to set the IP address of the network adapter named Ethernet to and the gateway to

$netadapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet
$netadapter | New-NetIpAddress -IPAddress -PrefixLength 24 -DefaultGateway

The first command is to get the name of the network adapter and set it to the variable netadapter for the second command to set up the network IP address.

Change the network adapter to use DHCP

The following commands can be used to re-configure a specific network adapter to  use a DHCP assigned address:

$netadapter = Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet
$netadapter | Set-NetIPInterface -Dhcp Enabled

Enable and disable Windows Firewall

Here is how you can use PowerShell to quickly enable and disable windows firewall on your computer:

To enable: Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain, Public, Private -Enabled True

To disable: Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain, Public, Private -Enabled False

That’s it for today. I will be showing you some cool features in Netsh next time.

/via Windows IT Pro/

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